Monday, July 12, 2010

Draw The Curtains On 2010

Turn out the lights... the party's over. And it's been a great one. In fact.. 86 games worth! This has been a baseball season unlike any other for the FiveKelleyBoys. With one playing in every level --- 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A' & 'AA' --- we have logged some serious hours at a lot of parks in a lot of parts of the tri-state area.. It's been a privilege and an honor to be part of the whole thing.

The season, while starting off very slowly, really picked up mid-stream and things panned-out well for each of the boys. Griffin enjoyed his first year of kid-pitch. Paxton was named to his first AllStar team. And Duncan, Holden & Cameron all qualified for the City Tournament with their respective teams.

As of this evening, the two 'fkb' teams remaining in 'City' took their final bow. Duncan's Heat & Holden's Highlanders each hung up their second losses of the tourney. And with that, the 2010 Season ends. A couple pre-season tourney games (back in early April), a whole ton of regular season games, an AllStar game, and 8 post-season games... for a grand total of 86 games.

Thanks, boys! It's been fantastic to be along for the ride this season. We're very proud of each of you.

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